TODAY'S DAYTIME MEAL: 1 jar of Stage 2 applesauce (brand, i believe not matters) simply ADDED to his daytime formula amounts.
NIGHTTIME MEAL: 2 tbs of rice cereal ADDED to his overnight feed amounts.
~ ~ ~
Henry's CURRENT DAILY AMOUNT (Caloric intake):
- '1200' calories a day.
- Each container of formula (Peptamen Jr w/Fiber) is 250 calories.
- Conveniently enough, each container is also 250 ml.
- THUS: 1 cal/ml.
That equals about 5-ish containers...
The "ish" is important. By no means does Hank get, TO THE DOT, 1200 calories a day. Or 1200 mls, for that matter. Some days he might get 1000-ish. Some days he might get 1250-ish.
Why the ISH? Well - - wouldn't you say that most of your day is comprised of "ish"es, at least food intake-wise? Just because Hank eats via a g-tube doesn't mean that Mommy and Daddy are robots or precise mathematicians. We've never been ones to PRECISELY make sure he gets EXACTLY 1200 cals/mls.
So that is that.
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