Saturday, April 20, 2013

Resistance is Futile

I'm not even a Star Trek fan, no matter what generation you're thinking, but i do know that phrase. Guess it was all my engineering buddies at Alfred...

Anyhoo - i hit some massive resistance feeding Henry last night. The plunger simply wouldn't plunge. I tried my knee. I tried brute strength. I even got my 7 yr old son to help by holding the med port shut while i pushed mercilessly with two hands.

That resulted in his blend projectile splattering out the main port and onto the floor, sofa and nearby stool. Given my already-emo state, i started crying, and the 7 yr old tried to patch things with solutions the best he could. Poor bugger. And Henry could care less.

For the record, before said two-handed grunting plunge, i checked everything, thinking clog. Used a water flush - smooth as silk. Checked tube. Golden. Checked for sticky syringe - OF COURSE NOT! --> i'm using my new birdy syringe which glides like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (okay, this is getting dumb now).

Out of frustration, i laid Hank on the changing table (of which he still fits on, miraculously (it's one of those industrial ones that daycares' use, that we got at the ReStore!)), and studied things closer. I began plunging again and while i was receiving total resistance on the muscle end, i could SEE the food traveling thru the tube, consistently and steadily, into his belly.

This is a phenomenon i have not read about. Why would it plunge with such resistance, but still be going in steadily? I'm not sure about this one. If you are reading this and know the answer, please take the time to post a comment! :-)


  1. This has happened to me to. No answers- sorry, but at least we're not alone :)I have been so enjoying your blog. We switched from goop to goodness in March with my 15 month old and it has been amazing!

    1. Teresa - i'm guessing you may have read my "solution" to said resistance in the next post. We're learning! Thanks for writing...


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