Friday, April 5, 2013

Switching Things Up a Little

Well, today we're taking even more of a "dive" into this blended diet thing...

I finished reading Eric's book last night. The back end, the last sixth, is all about recipes and blends and how to calculate calories and volume and such. Very enlightening. And quickly, i understood the logistics and wasn't as "scared" about jumping into this with BOTH feet. It's presented in a very friendly and comprehensive way.

In the section about transitioning over, Eric suggests (with logic and explanation) on how blending in a little bit of baby food with the formula (like i've been doing) is really unproductive. The amount is so small it's being masked by the formula. Also, the idea is to get the body used to real food, and this is just prolonging the switch.

Rather, he suggests substituting one feed of formula for real food - in this case, said baby food of choice. Of course, the calories in a comparable volume of a baby food fruit or veggie does not equal that of a formula feed. But also noted many times is that REAL FOOD volume is much easier tolerated than an equal formula volume, so doubling up on real food is okay. The goal right now is not to necessarily make calories equal, but to transition to real food, and so i'm okay with a couple calories being sacrificed.

So that is what i'm planning to do for Henry's lunch today at daycare. I'm waiting for the call to go over and show everyone how we're going to syringe in real food for the lunchtime feed from now on. This will be interesting for me... We've never done this before and i'm optimistic that we will see zero exterior change. ;-) That's the goal.

(just got the call ... will report on this afterward...)

Well, i'm back. It went great! The gals gave him a 30 mls (or 30 ccs, same thing) of water about 30-40 min before i went over. I read that water 'preps' the belly for food to come in, and is also a nice natural "flush" of older feed/foods hanging out in there. Also, i've got to get used to "free water" squirts since it will be the only way he'd be getting water from now on. The formula had it incorporated into it... (Well, he'll have water mixed into his blends, but its not the same. Free water, free and clear... yummy!)

When i arrived, Hank was snoozing. It's fine to feed him as he's snoozing, though optimally, i'd like to feed him while he's awake, during 'regular eating times.' I took the plunger syringe and drew out some pureed carrots, after some fumbling and testing out methods. (syringing up out of the jar, or taking plunger out and pouring carrots into tube, that sorta thing). It definitely felt different - it's not liquid, its PUREE. It felt oddly cathartic pushing it in, versus "pouring liquid from a can" into a bag. It's more direct. HIS FIRST MINI MEAL!

I walked into the room planning to give him two whole jars. Once i got there, and syringed the carrots TWICE up into a 60 cc syringe (equal to 4 oz, or one jar), i 'wimped' out and only gave him one. Yes, that is a minimal amount of calories, but he will definitely make up for it with his evening and overnight feed.

... so as i just typed that last sentence above there, i noticed that i've already amended my wording. I call his formula "getting a feed" and called his carrots lunch "a mini meal." Well there ya go. Proof that i'm treating this whole thing less medicalized. Feels good.

It's the weekend. I'm going to do a little more research and see if i can't switch him over to ALL food, sensibly and calorically (word?) now. The 'bases' will be baby food, supplemented with healthy oils, yougurt and cereals (think rice cereal flakes). Gonna consult My Lists...

At the beginning, i will be excluding milk and milk-based products. I have a sneaky "Mom Intuition" that he might be allergic to milk, or perhaps lactose intolerant. Why? Cuz he's been stuffy and congested since Day 1. He's been on Goop since Day 1 too. Coincidence? Perhaps. Will be interesting to note. There are plenty of milk substitutes i can use as a base, including rice milk and almond milk (yummy). Also, yogurt does NOT fall into this category; it is fermented dairy and lactose intolerant folks handle it great and its valuable for its protein, calcium and fats (paraphrased from Eric's book).

~ ~ ~

Today has felt SUCCESSFUL!!! Today has already felt LIBERATING! I'm learning a lot. I have a feeling this weekend will be a really awesome learning experience. It would be really exciting to walk into daycare on Monday, SANS PUMP, and say to the gals, "we're doin it ladies. Full food. Today."

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