Monday, April 29, 2013

Complete Tubefeeding

Here is a much better link to Eric's book that i've referenced earlier in this blog. I continue to reference it now; I like the feel of a paper book - to flip to the appropriate page...

Click on the book to go to the link
Also, in other news, i wanted to share another "hidden" revelation I had while blending. I'm calling it hidden because i've probably read about this 3 or 4 times in other sources, but it finally kicked in, in my own brain, while I was blending for Hank. Sometimes i have to "do" to understand stuff.

If i need to make the blend less thick, i could either add water (which i've done a few times - and is the easiest), or i could PLAN more accordingly while choosing my foods.

For instance - i cooked up some tri-color pasta. I know that pasta is a "thickener," but went about adding ingredients as usual. Needless to say, the blend came out thicker than usual. Instead of using yogurt and an apple, i could have used more milk and apple juice.

There is also a product i noticed in our Nature's Market section of Wegmans that i thought could help folks who are dealing with volume-tolerance issues (that is, they need the calories/fat, but cannot handle high volumes of food). It's from a company called Super Sprout, and they are fruit and vegetable powders that are 100% said fruit or vegetable! I was thinking about the blueberry one, since i've read that blueberry skins tend to be the clogging culprits. They are a little pricey, though, and I'm cheap... so we'll see. ;-) I love what they are about though.

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