Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Applesauce and Rice Cereal


TODAY'S DAYTIME MEAL: 2 jars of Stage 2 applesauce (brand, i believe not matters) simply ADDED to his daytime formula amounts.
NIGHTTIME MEAL: 1/4 cup of rice cereal ADDED to his overnight feed amounts.

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Tomorrow i will make a commitment, i believe, to purchasing a blender from Blendtec. I've read about them, and Vitamix, as being GREAT awesome companies supporting blenderized diets for tubies. For me, it seemed like a coin toss, and i ended up emailing Blendtec about their medical discounts I had heard about via all my sites i've mentioned. I received a prompt and friendly email confirming such. They have great warranties and customer service, and that's enough research for me.

It's my plan to keep testing various Stage 1 and 2 baby food fruits and vegetables and continuing the increasing amount of rice cereal until the blender arrives. That will also give me time to create some meal plans using Choose My Plate and SuperTracker, both of which have come highly recommended. I'm going to get as close to 1200-1400 calories a day that i can, using a variety of fruits, veggies, grains and healthy fats. As soon as i come up with a menu and/or use a recipe blend i've found from another tubie parent, i will post it.

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