Thursday, April 18, 2013

In One End...

... Before you finish that sentence, first, let's have a look at the blends i made today:

So two things worth mentioning in this post: 1) "... And Out the Other" and 2) a note about tolerance. Let's do the latter first.

I had been wondering about Hank's tolerance times. We started him out rather "slow," plunging at a pace of about 200 ml over 30 min. Each meal, we moved it up a little, and eventually got to about 12-15 min. That is comfortable for him.

One night, i was distracted. I was a little behind in Henry's dinner (which is usually around 6:30). I think it was 7:30, and the kids were being crazy, and my mind was not entirely on the speed of pushing Hank's meal into him. Very quickly, i noticed he got kind of limp and started wretching. That was a clear sign that i might have given him too much too quickly. And thru the Power of The Belly Button (in this case, the Mic-Key g-tube button), i was able to suck 60 mls of it BACK out. That brought him immediate relief. I looked at the clock and i may have given him 120 mls in about 5 min. That's a little too fast. I have seen footage of kids taking all 200 mls within minutes, or the speed it takes to plunge slowly and change plungers. Hank's not there. We're not in a race. I'll gladly keep it to the 15 min mark. That WAAAAY beats over 45 min on the pump. Duh.

So. A quick note about bowel movements, if you will.

Henry's are the kind NOW that grown men high five each other about. I have even known some of these same men to take PICTURES of said b.m. with their cell phones and send to one another (ladies, i apologize).

It's. CRAZY.

They're big, firm, stinky - - well - a normal poop, these days. It's just so WEIRD. We're so used to these little greenish ones that are mostly smeery. Not these days. Ron called me on my Girl's Night Out just to go on and on about the intensity of a recent one.

So that's that. My boy is eating real food, having real poops, and is doing GREAT. I feel so good to have made this decision. Such a no brainer.

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