Thursday, April 4, 2013

I Know What i Know...


TODAY'S DAYTIME MEAL: 1 jar of Stage 2 carrots simply ADDED to his daytime formula amounts.
NIGHTTIME MEAL: 1/4 cup (one more night at this amt...) of rice cereal ADDED to his overnight feed amounts.

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Good morning. I was up late last night creating and 'beautifying' this blog. I'm sure i'll tweak it some more as time goes on. I'm proud of the way it looks now. :-)

I also realize that there are a TON of parents out there (most of them Moms) who have done the exact same blog documenting. I think the more the merrier. And as stated a couple times - this is primarily for me to keep track of things. Easy reference. I love that others might come and go to see how it's going, or even for reference. Comments are certainly welcome.

It's also occurred to me that a few of you might be wondering if i'm doing this with a doctors' "permission" or at least a dietician's guidance. The short answer is no, not at first. Not at this point. But I am thoroughly interested and open to involving his GI doc and obtaining a dietician, whom we've never had or needed before, as time progresses, sooner than later. Make no mistake, however. If i get grief, or a pushing that it's "dangerous" or a ton of CONS over PROS first, I will leave said medical professional and go elsewhere. I don't feel i will receive such negativity at Strong, where Hank is a 'frequent flyer.' I want to be optimistic that when i approach them with my game plan, i will be received with open arms and they will be excited to see such a positive change. There's just too much darn BENEFICIAL PROOF online that this works, it's the best, and many gains are to be had.

(Needless to say - and i won't go on and on about this - this situation reminds me of my three unnecessary c-sections. Had things been done "right" with Sam, with the right supportive and enabling guidance (read: doula and midwife), i'da never had three. I'm 100% convinced of this. Now that i've done my research and know what i know, there's no turning back or convincing me otherwise. I've had 10 yrs of several experiences to stand my ground and be one tough advocate cookie...)

And one other quick note: I doubt i will keep up with the "Day 2," "Day 3" thing forever. It's not like you're going to read "Day 144" or something... I'm guessing past the first 2 week, i'll simply make note of more major changes or recipes i'm trying. Highlights, if you will. Blah blah blah...

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Hi. The reason I am moderating comments (which i never do, and generally dislike) is because I've been getting some spam lately. If you are commenting in a VALID way, i will definitely post your comment. Thank you!