Holy hell. This machine is the shit.
There. I had to say it that way. Now we can backtrack a little...
The Blendtec arrived somewhere between the boys and i getting home and Ron getting home at 7:30. He brought it in and put it in the kitchen. We did the whole bedtime thing with everyone and I starting slipping into my usual sleepy stupor at 8:30. Lately I've been giving in to that monster and just going to bed (and of course waking at 2 or 3, wide awake), but tonight i knew i couldn't because I had to blend. Blendtec or not, it had to be done: Hank was outta food. I'm pretty proud of myself in that it truly didn't cross my mind to "appreciate" the convenience of popping open a formula. We've still got a ton of it around. I could have potentially used it tomorrow.
But i didn't think of that option. It didn't even occur to me til i starting typing this out. Ah yeah. I'm totally mentally switched to this way of life.
So i pried myself outta bed, dragged Ron to hang out with me and be my helper, and we set up shop. He had taken the blender outta the box and set 'er up. Nice big square container. I breezed through the manual (totally unlike me - to BREEZE thru). Then i cleaned it for the first blend and just starting DUMPING IN! Liquids on the bottom, med-harder foods in the middle, frozen/hard on top. Ron read the chart and we went down the line. I was feeling quite relieved that i did NOT have to run out to Wegmans and shop for real food TONIGHT. It's definitely the plan tomorrow, on my day off, after i have some time to construct a few menus, a week's worth to be exact. But we had everything already on hand.
So tonight, here is what I'm going to dub, uncreatively, First Blendtec:
So there you have it. I was able to make a day's blend in a matter of minutes! Literally 10 i believe. I dumped everything in, in the right order, pushed the "Soups/Syrups and Fondue" button (so specific) and the pre-programmed blend did all the work itself. Everything blended to precisely that consistency perfectly! A total of 90 seconds. I then syringed the days worth right from the blender and put the little bit left (for tmw's evening meals) in a bowl with a cover in the fridge!
Today, I picked up a big freezer bag tote and some of those blue reusable freeze packs. This is for daycare. They do not have room in their little fridge for all of Hank's syringes, so i'm providing them a portable 'fridge' every day in this set up. All they really have to do is clean the syringes after use and toss em back into the bag.
It was Ron's idea to add the ginger root capsule and i was all for that. I knew ginger aids in digestion, so this is only a bonus.
Oh - i need to talk about poop a little bit. If you are reading this blog, you'll want to know about this.
Switching Henry's gut over from formula to real food caused a little binding up. This was to be expected. I was keeping my eye on it and wasn't going to let it go too long, but i wanted to see if his body would even itself out alone. Last night, as i was changing another poopless diaper, i was starting to think i'd begin adding a few prune juice boluses between meals. Just as i was prepping the next diaper, i noticed him trying to push and he clearly needed a little help. It was HARD, and after helping him, he was like a little pooping machine, like squeezing playdoh in one of those plunger things. Oofah. Well, at least he felt better! He kept clearing himself out at daycare today. So i think dude's back on track. ;-)
I also picked up coconut oil in Nature's Market after reading a fascinating and convincing article. He can only benefit greatly from this awesome goodness!
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