Monday, April 15, 2013

♫ Movin' Right Along... ♪

Quick: What movie is my Post Title from? (Answer at the bottom)
So yeah - the blending is doing just that: movin' right along. Second Nature. Old Hat. All those good cliches meaning that we're in the zone.
Here are a couple blend combos i've done. Again, nothing overly creative. Because I'm naturally NOT a cook, these are pretty simple. If my hubs were to get his hands on making a blend, Hank would be "eating" in a 5 star restaurant!
Couple notes about the above blends:
  • After cutting up red sweet pepper, i did not measure it. That's close enough for me to being 1.5 cups.
  • I've been advised to COOK broccoli, as to avoid gas. Proabably a good idea. (Broccoli, at least raw, made the blend STINK like cut grass. Very earthy. But whatevs.)
  • I did not find any problems with the blender handling the strawberries in the yogurt blend. Ya know, the whole SEED thing, with clogs, etc. Now, it wasn't a WHOLE strawberry... i'll venture to that at some point.
I've got flax oil that i still haven't tried. I've also got coconut milk to try. Remember, i'm staying away from MILK. His congestion and boogars continue to be at a minimum. So i might be right!
This week, i've got marinated chicken that i'm going to make for the fam, and Hank'll get some too. I've also got some couscous to cook up.
I should mention here, maybe even just for myself and documenting, that i've personally been suffering some pretty nightmarish reflux. "Silent" reflux, if you will, because it is not your standard heartburn, that feels like you're having a heart attack. No, this shit pools at the top of my throat, causing a constant chronic "throat clearing," and one night, i awoke feeling as though my throat were literally BURNT. Well, hell, i guess it WAS, in a way. Damn stomach acids.
So i've amended my diet greatly. Massively elimating fats and fatty foods, eliminating my beloved seltzer water (carbonation aggravates reflux!) and chopping out caffeine, chocolate - all the damn good stuff! I am feeling better. I'm munching on fennel seed and almonds in between meals. And Hank is also getting one capsule of 100% ground ginger root per blend. I added some to my husband's homemade oatmeal this morning, for me, and it was DELICIOUS! (Ginger kicks reflux's BUTT!).
They stink. Plain and simple. The rubber is breaking down fast. I'm very lucky to get 3 days out of a stash. I cannot WAIT for my birdy o-ring syringes to arrive!!! I may, however, have to buy another mini stash between what i've got now and when those arrive. They are about $1.30 each. :-/
Onward and upward....
(Answer from the top: The Muppet Movie (1979))

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