It's hard to keep the blog fresh and new when there isn't too much freshness or news happening! Which, in terms of blending a diet for Hank, is a GOOD THING.
We did have one little 'incident' recently happen that we had not experienced up until this point...
I recently made three blends to put in the fridge. Didn't freeze any. The ingredients were nothing funky or new. The one common denominator worth mentioning, that for some reason is lingering in my brain as the 'culprit,' is sweet potato.
Here's what happened.
Blended everything up. Smooth. Nice pale peach color. Put all in fridge.
As we like to pre-syringe for the next meal, we noticed that when we went to feed Henry, and uncapped the tip, the cap practically SHOT off, as though under pressure. And then the blend would continuously ooze out the tip, at a slow pace, but continuously. We've never had this happen with any other blend. Some drips, yes. It was the oddest - AND MESSIEST - thing. Ron and i were brainstorming. As far as our noses could tell, nothing was bad when added to the blend. And Hank has not reacted in a bad way to anything.
So even til now, it's a mystery. We're just really excited that we're DONE with that blend.
I made a blend last night using watermelon, and those blends are always super liquidy and easy to plunge. I even sometimes add a little more 'less hydrated' fruit to make up for all the water in the watermelon. I told Ron, pairing watermelon with avacado would be a good match. Avacado is a thickener. There is nothing worse than a too-thick blend. Makes for hard plunging, and more waste having to be wiped up.
Happy Blending!!!